Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Samscud " Religion Wondering"

Duration: 07:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 02:08:21
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTBg4lV-umg "Why I am not a christian " Also found here... (on my blog) http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=13755419

marekennedy11 ::: Favorites
At 2.28 g0at rocks the boat when he claims being "told in school to respect all beliefs and let everyone believe what they want doesn't really make a lot of sense...(ie) Hitler" - Dude are you preaching an antideterministic approach to what is being taught in our schools? - Sorry couldn't help myself.
07-07-24 23:06:14
terfillius ::: Favorites
"What am I going to eat today?"
07-07-22 16:21:49
thebeanses ::: Favorites
I am reading God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, and I have kind of changed my tune, I see your point, here is a quote. "The argument with faith is the foundation and origin of all arguments, because it is the beginning, but not the end, of all arguments about philosophy, science, history, and human nature. It is also the beginning, but by no means the end, of all disputes about the good life and the just city."
07-07-20 09:12:34
Flipiments ::: Favorites
If your logic that i dont believe in what i dont have a reason to believe in was carried over every aspect of life, we would never improve as a species. Why do you exist goat?
07-07-19 21:21:24
Flipiments ::: Favorites
no, not tortured, just seperated, like not existing.
07-07-19 21:19:23
Madblaster6 ::: Favorites
Yea i agrea with you but nobody is perfect in the fact that they will save you from going to hell. I personaly know a lot of people who care and will try.
07-07-18 23:42:32
HexDemon666 ::: Favorites
Bullshit. Hell is eternal torture and suffering. That's the kind of shit that people would be throwing themselves in front of buses and trucks to save someone from if they truly wanted to save them or truly believed that hell existed. "I love you and want to save you, but fuck helping you. I'll just mention you in my prayers. Let's hope for the best, shall we?"
07-07-21 00:00:20
1928javier ::: Favorites
Assuming things can be a very dangerous and irritating habit when they are thrown around by some posters without any solid proof or reference.
07-07-18 20:35:09
GlobeBar ::: Favorites
Herr g0at:Of course the Bible has flaws. It was written by humans. Being a Christian in my humble opinion comes from the heart. Once again, with all due respect, your condemnation of Christianity comes from that of a former fundmentalist. Very jaded. Very absolutist. The more I learn, the more I do not know. But follow your heart. Quite cordially, GlobeBar
07-07-17 23:37:46
g0at ::: Favorites
GLOBE! you keep saying this lol. I am not a former fundy nor did I come from former fundys. in many of my videos I have talked about my history. My parents never pushed religion on me. I have been exposed to it just by living in Texas and watching the news. :0
07-07-18 00:22:06
GlobeBar ::: Favorites
Herr g0at: How can you tell at what point in time a comment is made during or after viewing your video? Quite cordially, GlobeBar
07-07-17 23:29:10
g0at ::: Favorites
For example. Video " a " is about Social problems. I adreess 10 problems, the last one is abortion. The comment reads " What do you think about abortion? " obviously they were listening and posting the comment before the video was over. I have NO problem with people that do it , I just think it is amusing from time to time.
07-07-18 00:24:50
galviancrush ::: Favorites
I will. They are lying to you and they are wrong.
07-07-17 22:42:58
michelle2chat ::: Favorites
ok, thank you :) however, it is still a little odd sounding to me because you looked into the cam and made it clear that THIS was ***one of the main points of your video***..... you said "this brings me to my next point"...and you went on to say that ***because*** "there is no god", that is why all of the problems in life make sense ....(that is different than you ***casually stating*** you do not have gas when in fact you do have some) ..just wondering what your thinking process is.
07-07-17 19:29:05
g0at ::: Favorites
Michelle, I am a strong atheist. I do activley believe that there is no god. If you provide evidence, I will believe. I believe that there is no god more than I believe I exist. That is why langueage is really tricky. the undefined explanation of what a god could be " may exist" . I can't say that it doesn't ( it isn't even defined). I know was very confusing... but I dunno
07-07-17 20:43:18
g0at ::: Favorites
When I say " I am out of gas " . It is inferred that I actually DO have some gas. When I say there is no Santa clause ( insert god or flying invisible gnomes) I am simply stating there is no evidence of santa clause ( or insert god) . Santa clause, god, gnomes, unicorns are all equal here. this is why it is such a mute point. Not many people stop you after saying santa clause doesn't exist, do they?
07-07-17 20:45:33
g0at ::: Favorites
The only reason I protect myself is because people will calim I am trying to make an absolute truth statement, which, in fact is not the case.
07-07-17 20:45:41
michelle2chat ::: Favorites
I appreciate what you are saying; I must strongly disagree with the statement: "Santa clause, god, gnomes, unicorns are all equal here" because that is like saying "red delicious, valencia, granny smith, macintosh are all equal here" (ummm, no they are not) I don't think anyone actually believes 'santa', 'gnomes' or 'unicorns' created an entire universe out of nothing. But it was nice chatting w/you g0at, take care. :)
07-07-17 20:56:20
g0at ::: Favorites
Just because someone believes in god doesn't make it less irrational. I am sure that thousands of years ago zeus was not more rational to believe in just because people believed in him :0 . And might I add, more children beleive in santa clause than gnomes ;0
07-07-17 21:36:02
sighuponsigh ::: Favorites
I'd believe in flying gnomers before the christian god for one simple reason, he's a nutcase!
07-08-01 20:27:33

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