Thursday, August 2, 2007

Global Warming - Air Farce

Duration: 233 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 21:42:43
User: Maylee92
:::: Favorites

Best of Air Farce, long time ago, but it's worth a watch. With guest star, Colin Mochrie.

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poopsiebumbum ::: Favorites
woah... waaaaaaay out of sync
07-04-10 16:07:10
Maylee92 ::: Favorites
Yeah I know, I just found it on Air Farce's official site. I didn't recorded really.
07-04-30 18:41:18
slvr4surfer ::: Favorites
oh my lord he has hair
07-04-28 00:00:52
JohnnySwitchblade ::: Favorites
OH LORD! I love Colin Mochrie. Is that his real hair?
07-04-30 18:31:43
Maylee92 ::: Favorites
No no, it's a wig xD
07-04-30 18:41:38
JohnnySwitchblade ::: Favorites
oh. how long ago was this?
07-04-30 19:54:54
Maylee92 ::: Favorites
February 21, 2003. So far far away.
07-05-01 17:20:02
nycglitztap ::: Favorites
hmm.... i think i prefer colin as a baldie- it's hard to get used to a full head of hair after seeing him on whose line and other shows so many times- but this was still a very interesting sketch!
07-05-28 17:37:33

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