Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thou Shall Not Kill

Duration: 179 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-15 23:12:08
User: ponhand
:::: Favorites

Action moie experiment

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nicanicamad ::: Favorites
Is this your own production? It's really funny. Where do you get all your actors?
07-07-16 03:41:21
ponhand ::: Favorites
its all off my doing
07-07-16 10:57:58
ponhand ::: Favorites
thanks. nika. its all my doing...Forgive me:)
07-07-16 11:08:06
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
ok so about this film, in the beginning, there's you but Bible boy is not you--I'm a bit confused. Are the actors your friends? I love the car fall/roll. Love the filming in public.
07-07-17 02:15:16
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
Man, how long have you been in the states--I man you just jumped right in eoing so many cool things!
07-07-16 14:59:41
ponhand ::: Favorites
It took me a while to get going. 7 years and some. when are you gonna be back?
07-07-16 17:09:00
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
Hopefully never. I haven't even vistied in nearly seven years. You and I are balancing the European/American population. I SURE do miss the food there though. MAN do I miss the food. Do you like the food--or miss yours from home?
07-07-16 17:35:39
ponhand ::: Favorites
comment below
07-07-16 20:14:43
ponhand ::: Favorites
The Food here kills me. I eat organic, and mostly vegetables and fruit. I can't eat the processed stuff. I gain weight in seconds. I don't remember Hungary at all....Wonder why/
07-07-16 19:32:47
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
yea but you can get better organic produce in American--here it's a joke and expensive--I'd kill for fresh exotic fare. It's all boccoli onions carrots--liimited choices. I miss the range of fresh stuff. I miss the produce, and the ethnic foods.
07-07-17 02:14:03
ponhand ::: Favorites
can't you cook it yourself?
07-07-17 06:13:47
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
I can--eating out and cooking in- two different experiences--but also a HUGE lack of ingredients here. I haven't eaten, for example, chickory in 7 years.
07-07-17 06:27:06
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
but also, cooking goes sour here--danes have no passion nor palette for food. getting a dry thank you is touch. Never get an mmmm. Food is not love here. Food is not joy. Make a big dinner here-people walk in like 'you OWE me', not appreciative.
07-07-17 06:29:47
ponhand ::: Favorites
I didn't know this. It's maybe a Viking tradition. Sounds like they have spent too many generation in hardships. Its in their genes,.
07-07-24 00:09:20

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