Thursday, August 2, 2007

TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.3 The Guilty Men, seg.5

Duration: 574 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-15 13:08:43
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A nine-minute segment of The History Channel's banned documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Final Chapter. This episode, "The Guilty Men" focuses on individuals alleged to be directly involved in the actual murder plot, including Lyndon B. Johnson and his associate Malcolm Wallace, the heads of the FBI, CIA and Secret Service as well as some of Johnson's friends in Big Oil and suppliers of Vietnam war materials.

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bloggs18279 ::: Favorites
OK Thanks alot :)
07-07-20 13:43:55
sagsarvestani ::: Favorites
See, Tatro says the LBJ connection was linked to Ike's 'military-industrial complex' and because of it JFK had to go.But isn't this the same group behind the fed?Doesn't that implicate LBJ(and thru association)much of the democrat party as well as the much more hated republicans?Does no one know that Clinton is a member of the council on foreign relations?
07-07-27 00:01:47
TMWKK ::: Favorites
Most Democrats live in a fantasy world. They have a habit of wearing blinders when it comes to scrutinizing their own party. Most folks don't realize that the Clinton and Bush families are actually close friends. They're working together to try and promote this "New World Order" thing, so the American government can freely control the world while destroying our own sovereignty. Government is crooked...period.
07-07-27 17:54:40
Jlennon08 ::: Favorites
Also see YOUTUBE videos on "James Files" (the grassy knoll shooter). I think there were no French shooters that day.
07-07-27 21:03:27
gmac89 ::: Favorites
fyi, this piece of evidence has been proven to be NOT true, there was no fingerprint!!! sorry guys
07-07-28 12:47:04
Jlennon08 ::: Favorites
Wikipedia segment on this theory: "Johnson was linked professionally and personally to a convicted murderer, Malcolm 'Mac' Wallace, who in turn was linked to the JFK assassination by testimony and forensic evidence, including a fingerprint; however, both of the forms of evidence are still disputed."
07-07-29 09:16:57
themaclady ::: Favorites
This is why we need Ron Paul in 2008.
07-07-30 13:52:49
TMWKK ::: Favorites
There are hundreds of reasons why we need Ron Paul in 2008. Unfortunately this is why Mr. Paul needs to keep his head down low. He wants to disband the IRS, cut the CIA's nuts off, pull us out of Iraq...pretty much the same types of things that got Kennedy wasted in '63.
07-07-30 18:56:15
dennisthemenace0001 ::: Favorites
TMWKK - Thank You SO much for your efforts ! I don't know how you got these Videos - But, they NEED to be seen by EVERY American. It would be great if they could be edited back into Files that could be downloaded and distributed. Now I believe I know the truth . . . This event has weighed heavily on me my whole life. I never believed the official story. Anyway - once again - Thank you and keep up the good work. The TRUTH IS out there if we only have eyes to see it with.
07-08-01 17:16:35
TMWKK ::: Favorites
You're quite welcome. I wish I could distribute copies of the DVD but I figure I have my neck stuck out far enough with this YouTube thing. If you want a copy though, I've heard that there's some guy on ebay scalping bootlegs for about 50 bucks a pop. There were a couple of guys on Amazon selling unopened originals for about a grand each. They're not there anymore, so I reckon they must have sold 'em. I wish I'd ordered a hundred during the brief period they were available in '03.
07-08-01 21:03:50

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