Monday, October 22, 2007

The 5th

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-19 03:17:39
User: Jamsie567
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Description: Please join us this November 5th for the largest one day political donation event in history. Our goal is to bring together 100,000 people to donate $100 each, creating a one day donation total of $10,000,000. Please subscribe via feedburner below. Each day you'll receive an email with our total number of subscribers. In this way we will know exactly where we stand in our efforts. Our goal is 100,000 subscribers. Please subscribe now. Please spread the word. Thank you. Be a apart of it Please contact Ron Paul's camp and ask him to assist us in releasing this message to all supporters it is the only way we can achieve this glorious goal! Best source for Ron Paul information


sirluke7 ::: Favorites
Wow.... Looks like just a little more than a thousand signed up for Sunday. At this rate we may get only 19,000 signed up. wow dang!
07-10-22 03:27:34
badsysop ::: Favorites
And you know what's funny? It won't help Ron Paul win shit. I can't wait for the primaries to kick off so you RP spammers will finally STFU.
07-10-22 03:49:09
badsysop ::: Favorites
I'll donate a slap to the head of some moronic ron paul psycho. Stop skipping your high school classes to post messages on youtube promoting Ron "Blame America" Paul.
07-10-22 00:45:44
sirluke7 ::: Favorites
Well.... just because you don't like the constitution... you may leave anytime you want. In fact... go to Iraq... good place for you. Of course your probably one those that pat the head of all those that serve over there, but don't donate to the VFW or go visit these guys that come back all butchered up... Yep.. very few are taken care of... A friend of mine that served two tours over there... is now doing weird s&*t to his family... it's a shame. Continued...
07-10-22 03:38:06
sirluke7 ::: Favorites
A brother of mine came back from war.yeah someone buys him a beer, thanks him for his service... walks away,never donating money for any of his surguries that the military only covers a part of, or helps out his wheelchair when he has problems. They are like you... as long as someone else goes and not yourself its all okay.Hopefully Dr. Paul will fix that. Now go help our country in Iraq,we need you!
07-10-22 03:38:43
badsysop ::: Favorites
You are a liar. If his injuries were due to his military service, his surgeries are 100% covered by the VA. And not only that, he will receive disability pay for the rest of his life depending on the extent of his injuries. I was in Iraq, jackass. I know how things work. You're an f'n liar. Have fun when Ron Paul loses, jackass.
07-10-22 03:47:41
sneakyshadow02 ::: Favorites
Talk about melodramatic!!! I'm still donating anyways haha
07-10-21 18:42:04
Boratt69 ::: Favorites
If you want a good laugh check out the Back to the Future, Nov 5th video. I about lost my lunch from laughing so hard. Count me in!
07-10-21 22:59:16
Dumbell99 ::: Favorites
Thats a great video:) I wish I could donate, I am Canadian...but GO RON PAUL! Do for all of us guys we ALL need him.
07-10-21 16:24:00
RonPaulClips ::: Favorites
love it!
07-10-20 22:25:10

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