Monday, October 22, 2007

MSX - SD Snatcher - file 13: Neo Kobe Underground

Duration: 09:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 07:54:59
User: oldskoolgamertje
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Gibson and Cunningham were right: the Snatchers cannot stand sunlight and use an underground tunnel system to travel through Neo Kobe City. So here we are, in Neo Kobe's sewers. A huge network of tunnels and passageways crawling with enemies that are tough to avoid and hardly any freebies worth something. Since it is so hard to avoid enemies in the narrow tunnels and some of them — in particular the crab-like robots — are quite strong, it's a good idea to carry some Circuit Killers on you. It gives you an opportunity to escape, replenish or take care of that strong cannon. In the SD Snatcher fighting system escape is more or less a game of chance; when in a fight, you can try to escape from an enemy by choosing the option 'Escape' from the menu. It depends on your Speed level compared to his whether you succeed: if your Speed level is lower than his, it will never work. If it is higher, then it might work. Your chance of success depends on how much higher your Speed level is. Of course, you can damage his wheels or propulsion systems and lower his Speed level first, or use a Circuit Killer to render him paralysed and then flee. In the northeast section of the sewers there is the fourth Joy Division shop (kind of weird place for a shop). I didn't go there, but I should have to buy some flairs. Going back would have been too long of a journey so I just returned to HQ to buy them there; much cheaper anyway.

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