Monday, October 22, 2007

Ed Brown Gassed, Tortured In Deprivation Tank

Duration: 10:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-18 05:00:12
User: de79hill
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Description: In a disturbing audio clip, Ed Brown speaks for the first time since his arrest and relates how he was gassed by noxious fumes for three days in a detention center as well as being put in a deprivation tank for 15 hours.


de79hill ::: Favorites
all Citizens should be aware of what there Government is doing on a Daily bases,but they never have the time.Working 3 jobs to make ends meet,who does.this too is all planned. if only more Americans would just wake up!
07-10-19 12:21:49
tsavage2 ::: Favorites
They tazered him.......... where is the backbone of the media??? Nobody covering this?? Everyone fears the Gov't...just as they planned and rightfully so, I suppose. I'm scared. The Gov't better not scare too many folks
07-10-19 10:09:07
de79hill ::: Favorites
15 more months of Dumb FuCk BuSh.I don't think this Country can take much more of him.
07-10-19 03:03:22
anothervanmeter ::: Favorites
FREE THE BROWNS! Free the FOUR Reno Jason Robert and Danny!
07-10-19 02:11:56
mariasweaver3 ::: Favorites
This is torture. In America!! What have we come to? Can't somebody help. This is torture.
07-10-19 02:10:55
benjie2429 ::: Favorites
I heard that some of the cops pretended to be fans or people they knew and basically trapped them and arrested Ed Brown
07-10-18 17:45:46
de79hill ::: Favorites
yes,his name was Dutch.he had been there the whole time.very sad at what happened to Ed.
07-10-18 18:57:35
benjie2429 ::: Favorites
hopefully we could educate others about the 16th amendment and the IRS, people are just happy given away cash without asking why
07-10-18 23:38:56
de79hill ::: Favorites
I think 2 weeks ago.
07-10-18 14:02:23
SpringHeeledJack4U ::: Favorites
Think twice before you surrender to the police!
07-10-18 09:06:44

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