Thursday, October 11, 2007

How To Get Girls for Andy

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-21 01:41:10
User: katiesopinion
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Andy asks Katie's opinion, and Katie and Regina answer. Regina - Andy -


billybyrne1 ::: Favorites
you dumb hypocritical cunts u go on about men being penis' and then tell some loser he has to be a penis to get the girl. fucking stupid women only wanting what they cant have
07-10-11 05:02:34
samDsilvaq177 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty neat for nekkid camgirls - GREATTIMEZ DOT COM
07-10-09 02:04:49
Turmi0n ::: Favorites
Yep. America breeds spoiled bitches. I dont want anything to do with my own country's females. I met great girls from the phillipines, russia, and japan though.
07-10-06 17:25:01
HoracioAmiritoDiaz ::: Favorites
There are American women that aren't like that but they're very rare and they're usually born in other countries just moved here in their childhood or something that.
07-10-05 14:08:58
Turmi0n ::: Favorites
I havent met or seen many that aren't.
07-10-03 11:10:57
HoracioAmiritoDiaz ::: Favorites
Not all of them but many, like these two.
07-10-03 03:19:06
Turmi0n ::: Favorites
American women = Shit. Spoiled rotten cunts.
07-10-02 16:35:57
FlappyFlapjack ::: Favorites
I agree with u!!!,,,,i would still do her/them.
07-09-23 04:23:48
rkoucantcme ::: Favorites
xD lmaoooooooo
07-08-17 02:57:36
drummerofdeath21 ::: Favorites
Wow... Okay now that I'm in the right mind I can explain this straight: there a good guys and bad guys, good girls, and bad girls... girls like this (bad girls) tend to attract bad guys, or even turn good guys bad. A couple of the guys who commented on here are complete idiots, and any girl who takes Katie seriously is a complete idiot.
07-08-15 14:48:58

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