Thursday, October 11, 2007

How to prove the presence of GOD to an Atheist

Duration: 08:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 17:44:22
User: shiekhtm
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How to prove the presence of GOD to an Atheist


fuckinghellsortitout ::: Favorites
"What if it is true, and if it is true then my friend you are standing on very vulnerable place" The same could be said of the Muslim in respect of Hinduism, or any other religion. 'Pascal's Wager' has been debunked for over 200 years now my friend, look it up.
07-08-29 11:41:52
pspi ::: Favorites
It didnt. quranicstudies. com/ article76. html
07-08-29 05:07:11
shiekhtm ::: Favorites
oK, i will look into your website but you also look into mine and then make comparison between the two...
07-08-28 07:05:08
fuckinghellsortitout ::: Favorites
That old' Theory' not 'Fact' chesnut eh?! It is you my friend who need to do some reading... w w w . notjustatheory . com. Also, I note you've not approved my last comment - what's the matter, couldn't come up with an answer to it...?
07-08-28 06:57:09
shiekhtm ::: Favorites
The problem with you is that you haven't read QUr'an and you just make comments without any knowledge. You speak about theory of Evolution, Yet you say "Theory" not a fact. Theory of Evolution is refuted by the modern science, update youself dude... w w w . harunyahya . com
07-08-28 01:39:35
cafs131 ::: Favorites
God is just an imaginary friend for adults. Taking quotes out of context from the Koran isn't going to convince me otherwise. The problem with your method is you are starting with a conclusion and trying to interpret a solution that fits around that conclusion. That isn't how the scientific method works. Up until a few hundred years ago religion told us that god created life on earth. The theory of evolution proved otherwise. I wish you people could see through your dangerous delusions.
07-08-27 20:43:07
Wellslotted ::: Favorites
hmm on prima facia evidence it seems that the quran started out as a tome of scientific observations and conclusions but became a holy book reverered for religion instead of scientific advancement. I must confess to have never reading it from start to finish but then I gave up on the bible as well.
07-08-21 10:48:14
shiekhtm ::: Favorites
Just watch w w w . harunyahya . com and check the book Allah is known through reason...
07-08-21 08:14:49
shiekhtm ::: Favorites
Just watch w w w . harunyahya . com and check the book Allah is known through reason...
07-08-21 08:14:25
shiekhtm ::: Favorites
What if it is true, and if it is true then my friend you are standing on very vulnerable place. Do not dismiss anything before you logically approve or disapprove it. Thanks anyway for the reply, If you need help to understnad it I would love to help you..
07-08-21 08:13:28

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