Thursday, October 11, 2007

Japanese Lesson II

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-10 04:31:03
User: pixienatskie
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Japanese (Useless) Slangs.


fivetosix ::: Favorites
很久沒... 很久沒 不如用唱歌好了
07-09-29 22:13:56
YukoTheGreat ::: Favorites
this (kore)but to use with an item you say (kono)like kono Tokie (this watch) (that/sore) to use with item is (sono tokie)that watch.
07-09-06 23:24:26
theshredda ::: Favorites
she's just saying useless phrases not teaching us stuff like how to say this or that and how you would construct a sentences using it.
07-08-17 10:01:12
NYminut ::: Favorites
i honestly didnt learn anything........
07-08-08 00:00:08
oldme06 ::: Favorites
Awsome, Thank you. I've learnt alot!
07-07-25 17:54:04
raitei12110 ::: Favorites
07-07-13 13:09:48
OMGACKT ::: Favorites
Aaaaaah! People, people please! stop writing kawaii in an english sentence! it's horrible.
07-07-09 21:51:03
zenhill ::: Favorites
eheh good osaka ben lesson. おおきに :)
07-05-13 23:24:33
blueman807 ::: Favorites
japs puff cheeks when they are annoyed
07-03-24 22:24:53
WorldInFlamesAgain ::: Favorites
Dubbed shit. Typically asian. :-o
07-02-24 17:03:28

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