Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Hive Minds and Souless Beings of The Matrix

Duration: 09:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 23:58:14
User: ArchangelSandalphon
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Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis (Part I) Definition of Souled Human and Organic Portal Organic portals comprise approximately half of the human population; the other half mostly consists of souled humans1. Here we define "soul" as the core of individualized consciousness that remains intact between successive incarnations. Due to genetic mixing, Organic Portals exist among all known races today2, though with unequal distribution among them. While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the ability of individual self-awareness, OPs lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an animal-like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates collectively rather than individually3. While each souled human has a relatively unique energy shaped by that person's awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one OP is the same animating any other. Physical Comparison Physically, the two races are virtually indistinguishable. Statistically, there are minor physiological and perhaps genetic differences4. Physiologically, OPs tend to be more attractive and well proportioned. Because they exist on an emotionally primal level, natural selection has ensured that sexuality, physicality, and attractiveness play a large part in their physical evolution. Also, unlike souled humans, OP bodies are conceived and develop independently of soul pressures or karmic burdens, so they are as attractive as probability allows within the constraint of environmental and genetic parameters. Because soul and genetics are coupled5, karma and soul composition influences the physiology of souled humans, not just genetics or environment. For metaphysical reasons, they rarely maximize the potential for attractiveness allotted to them by genetics unless their soul quality deserves it. Also, souled humans tend to marry or reproduce for reasons other than just physical attraction, so the lowering of priority of physicality reflects in their offspring. There may be genetic markers in the X chromosome that distinguish them, or perhaps differences in body chemistry and hormones6, but such are not known at this time. It must be stated that the difference in physical appearance between OPs and non-OPs is so slight that it cannot be used as a reliable criterion to distinguish between the two on an individual basis. Psychological Comparison Psychologically, OPs are much simpler7 and therefore more efficient than non-OPs. This is because they have fewer psychological components. While OPs have two components, souled humans have three8. For souled humans, the first component is the divine spark known as spirit, Higher Self, essence, or the real "I". The second component is a neural product of the environment known as ego, personality, or mechanical aspect9, which consists of numerous contradictory lesser selves10. The third component is body or somatic consciousness, the collective consciousness of one's physical cells and organs. OPs have only body-consciousness and personality, but no divine essence or Higher Self. Because the body and personality know no morality beyond social conditioning or self-preservation, OPs lack true empathy11 or compassion. Any appearance of such is mimicked12. Due to their psychological simplicity, they are fickle creatures who are predictable and easily manipulated http://montalk.net/matrix/62/matrix-agents-profiles-and-analysis-part-i Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis (Part II) http://montalk.net/matrix/63/matrix-agents-profiles-and-analysis-part-ii ^j^


guapo41 ::: Favorites  2008-01-29 01:10:55

Great links i love em
SWINESANDWICH ::: Favorites  2008-01-29 00:35:14

how does this relate to the activity in the pineal gland & the corresponding chakra?
AOEGuy ::: Favorites  2008-01-29 00:34:48

nicole kidman is like, mad sexy. that was probably the worst content comment i've ever left on youtube. but its ok.

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