Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The United States of Debt

Duration: 11:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-05 14:48:42
User: DenverPostOnline
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federal  budget  debt  America  David  Walker  fiscal  politics  president  campaign  Social  Security  Medicare  taxes  


The federal budget is unworkable and irresponsible, the nation's top auditor says. The United States is borrowing at alarming rates and saddling today's toddlers with debts they may never repay, says Comptroller General David Walker, who heads the Government Accountability Office. Financial disaster looms -- and that's no exaggeration, Walker says. Americans must start demanding significant reform that tightens budgetary controls, overhauls the nation's tax system and significantly changes Social Security, Medicare and farm price supports. He urges Americans to vote only for presidential candidates who pledge to make fiscal responsibility and intergenerational equity one of their three top priorities. This video primer highlights some of the biggest problem areas within the federal budget and aims to provide Americans with information that will help them ask specific questions and demand specific answers from political candidates.


bluzy25 ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 15:24:28

how can America be so blind. The only candidate for Prez that is take about fiscal responsibility is ron Paul and hes got 10% of the votes! Wake up America!
crg64 ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 00:15:09

End the war,stop imports from China,overhaul the tax system.
tableconnect ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 18:17:10

important message
tableconnect ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 18:16:18

this is very important and this should be played on the mainstream media - this is not an republican or democrate partisan debate it is a non partisan debate that our children and future grand children will have to pay.
chrisrockit ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 22:38:13

How about getting rid of the Federal Reserve which in not a Federal Bank at all. They actually print the money and loan it to our Government. It's a private bank that runs our country and will destroy it.

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