Monday, March 31, 2008

Re: Candle lighting Request

Duration: 00:3 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-14 20:40:17

As per your request. I have never made a video before and don't have audio.


la1880  2007-12-30 14:30:44

that is quick!! xx
DNBursky  2007-12-16 16:06:31

Anytime. Please keep me up to date with what's going on.
Hippiefied1  2007-12-16 15:33:24

Thank you so much for taking time out to do this for me. I have never felt so much hope and encouragement as I have with the responses I've gotten from people on this video. Thank you for helping to restore my faith in human kindness. HUGE HUGS!! Lisa~

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