Monday, March 31, 2008

Todd Friel Holds Joel Osteen to the Bible (1of2)

Duration: 09:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-26 21:30:52

This is a Way of the Master Radio clip where Todd Friel goes through the recent TV interview with Joel Osteen to see if his answers hold up to Biblical authority.


LaneCh  2008-03-29 22:39:18

As far as the doctrine he presents, I agree. As far as him not being a bad guy, according to the Bible, we all hate God in our unregenerate states; no matter how smiley we may be to the public. This goes to the point, "Do regenerate men continue to present false doctrine?" If they have the Holy Spirit that leads men into all truth, the obvious answer is "no" so I don't even think Joel is a "good guy" even though his facade certainly makes him appear that way to people.
planoangel  2008-03-29 22:35:42

joel may not be a bad guy but his teaching is wrong
JennBlanchard  2008-03-26 09:43:43

watered down truth is more detrimental then people not hearing anything, the danger is that they 'think' they are ok, because they are being good and going to church, I have seen this over and over again when I went to a seeker sensitive church, people there are lost! When I finally grew up, I left! Now it makes me angry to see pastors, leaders holding back all the truth of the bible, afraid to 'offend', When people finally do find out the truth they see that they were cheated.
JNdigital  2008-03-25 18:53:39

obviously Todd Friel interprets the Bible literally, so how can he say that hell is going to be absolute darkness when there's supposed to be a raging inferno of hellfire everywhere, burning and igniting everything constantly without end?
eyeztothesky  2008-03-25 00:58:11


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