Monday, March 31, 2008

to Vanessa[[blondebeautyqueen]] // { high of 75. }

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-06 12:23:50

To: Checkered Vans/Babycakes.(xp)[[blondebeautyqueen]] From: Sharpiest Tay Tay/Cuppycake. --- Befriend this girl. She is my best friend in the entire world. She lifes me up when I'm down and will do anything to make me feel better. She's more like a big sister than a best friend. I love you, Vanessa. This is your favorite tv shows/movies/artists. Minus GG & 7H. Remember, you lost your clips and you can't find any more. (: Life With Derek, HSM2, Titanic, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers. Song: High of 75. Artist: Relient K. Album: Mmhmm. ILY. Taylor xoxo


zefronobsessed  2008-03-07 18:04:16

Yay! I love you too & thank you! (:
blondebeautyqueen  2008-03-07 17:08:30

Oh my gosh!!! Thank you Sharpie! This is so awesome! Really! I love this! <3 I LOVE YOU TOO! You are the best..est[lulz] friend EVER. :D Vanessaxoxo
zefronobsessed  2008-03-06 17:16:19

thanks! (:
zefronobsessed  2008-03-06 17:16:13

YOU SHOULD. she's amazing. wowowow. she's so much fun. (: LUFF YOU TOO. & dank yoo. *dances to radio disney*
buba0393  2008-03-06 17:06:00

love it!

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