Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bush makes the historical comparison between Iraq and Vietna

Duration: 06:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 21:05:56
User: bottomlineupfront
:::: Favorites

Bush VFW: Iraq & Vietnam

level42funk ::: Favorites
Ha, you think this dick went into Iraq to liberate the Iraqis or for the oil?
07-08-24 12:55:52
2chattycathy2 ::: Favorites
Right on! Right on! Right on! Take that you cut and runners. George is so on spot. Again thanks for posting.
07-08-24 08:35:07
pbcinla ::: Favorites
Thank God we had Nixon and not Bush during the Vietnam war ... we'd still be fighting North Vienamese.
07-08-24 13:49:30
lehi23 ::: Favorites
Finally President Bush is taking the gloves off and giving the anti-war left in this nation a History lesson on the consequences of US surrender in any conflict. That is when you see civilian casualties. Pulling out of both Korea and Vietnam has done done termendous damage to our credibility and they say the definition of insanity in to do the samething over and expect different results.
07-08-24 06:54:49
bookhound63 ::: Favorites
That was an excellent speech, thank you for posting it.
07-08-23 22:10:36

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