Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Re: May Day Immigration Reform Protest, Police Burtality

Duration: 09:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-07 04:57:09
User: Neotrific
:::: Favorites

Didn't we already fight these guys in WW2?

Noislamforme ::: Favorites
Fucking commie scum,
07-08-07 03:50:28
catheebiggirlo ::: Favorites
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07-07-30 07:07:52
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07-07-29 01:32:29
eyeddemon ::: Favorites
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07-07-22 15:17:25
dreamface07 ::: Favorites
Only cowards hide behind children. What fucktards bring children to protest anyway?
07-07-09 00:03:34
im not blaming them from my point of view , im blaming them from historical facts
07-07-05 12:49:31
mexico doesnt suck, the people r nicer,more educated, more down to earth, more political oriented. its the system that keeps it poor and corrupted cause the government opresses its people, once the people of mexico overcome that problem they wont go to the u.s anymore, remember its been 30 years since the u.s made the mexican economy collapse.
07-07-05 10:46:33
thecoldhardtruth ::: Favorites
westcoast, is there anything more that you can blame on the USA for the failure of mexico ? I have been to mexico, your right it doesn't just suck. it sucks and blows ! Go back to mexico and fix it
07-07-05 11:08:05
thecoldhardtruth ::: Favorites
if we stuck a broom handle up the ass of every illegal and made them walk back home we would have very clean streets here. Remember " Litter hurts everyone"
07-07-05 00:54:07
being a citizen of any nation doesnt make u shit and it doesnt mean shit u pussy , it just means ur mom got fuked n open up her legs in a nation and u just got a title of a citizen but since ur a pussy here u will be a pussy everywhere else bitch
07-07-03 23:24:40
thecoldhardtruth ::: Favorites
westcoast, if Mexico didn't suck so much, we would not be having this immigration problem.
07-07-05 00:56:21
Denovnv ::: Favorites
Fuck the U.N and you too wcl, from a "citizen of the United States of America" is that clear enough for you.....
07-07-03 16:05:33
ur right fuck the u.n , what the fuck u mean by citizen of the u.s , that dont mean shit thats doesnt make u anything motherfucker
07-07-03 17:21:00
Denovnv ::: Favorites
Your mother beaner boy....
07-07-03 21:45:23
AmnestyEqualsAnarchy ::: Favorites
Report & Deport ILLEGALS ALIENS- I.C.E #: 866 --347-2423
07-06-30 17:05:47
ahowell71 ::: Favorites
yea dont ask and dont tell right fagget.
07-06-29 00:01:23
ahowell71 ::: Favorites
this is nothing like the 60s you dumd ass. these mother fuckers are communist.check out my page and see the crap.
07-06-29 00:00:31
TexasRanger1848 ::: Favorites
Mexico is fucking these people over for centuries and now you want to lay it on us. America has fought for civil rights and liberties for her own people-now we have to save the whole third world? WE DON'T HAVE THE RESOURCES TO SUBSIDIZE THE CORRUP GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO.
07-06-28 11:11:27
TexasRanger1848 ::: Favorites
If a bunch of Americans walked into Mexico and stages a rally the Mexican cops would shoot them dead on the spot. "Be ye not unequally yoked" If we have to behave like Saint Francis and they get to violate all our laws were doomed. You should be tried for treason for advocating this crap. Traitor.
07-06-28 11:09:07
TexasRanger1848 ::: Favorites
goose stepping Nazi cops? Fuck you. The Nazis burned women and children and old people in ovens. Our police broke up a massive assembly of crimminals. Its twisted leftist fags like you that are enabling lawlessness and a destruction of America.
07-06-28 11:06:37

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