Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Re: Warren25smash gets p-p-p-p-pwned!

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-04 06:49:06
User: Talljim01
:::: Favorites

Friendly Critique of the video.

Hotstraps ::: Favorites
I think my girls won that debate.
07-01-09 06:20:21
DualAngel72 ::: Favorites
JJJB TROOOTH cast is some funny stuff. You need to watch the other videos as well. When warren did the sausage clinton though was one of the funniest things ever cause it was just soooo random. I would say JJJB is 1 up on warren though in the billllllll clintonn department.
07-01-03 15:41:52
Talljim01 ::: Favorites
Yes, I am subscribed to him. He enjoyed my critique of his video, which was also meant to be comical. I loved his take on the music video Mickey so Fine.
07-01-03 15:47:25
moses1262 ::: Favorites
you said critiquing not "spoofing" :D
06-12-05 09:39:15
moses1262 ::: Favorites
I think you are over analyzing mr jimjoebob's video; I mean seriously I agree I was crying with laughter after that video. But your just wow...
06-12-05 03:52:12
Talljim01 ::: Favorites
That was the point, I was spoofing on him.
06-12-05 04:04:08

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