Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Hardball Ron Paul Challenge

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 09:31:40
User: wils5742
:::: Favorites

Please comment if you want to see Ron Paul on Hardball! Let's translate the internet buzz into real media exposure! Come on Mr. Matthews, let's play Hardball!

WakeUpAmericas ::: Favorites
/watch?v=-DqY8iIxe2c "True Patriotism is more closely linked to dissent than it is to conformity and a blind desire for safety and security." -Ron Paul
07-08-28 23:51:49
nb6677 ::: Favorites
CFR CEO David Rockefeller: "..we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the USA, characterizing us as 'internationalists' and of conspiring around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world. If that's the charge, I stand guilty,and I am proud of it." MEMOIRS, p 405 CFR Members: B Obama, Romney, H Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, J Edwards, D Rockefeller, Cheney, Richardson, B Clinton, Dodd, Biden, F Thompson
07-08-28 22:47:07
dingusmungus ::: Favorites
I don't own a TV because they're shit, but if Ron Paul was on a serious show like Hardball I would actually go and watch it at a friends house. Even if they did let him on I can almost promise that they'll avoid the key issues and just play the quote context game for 42 minutes. Either way I'd like to see Ron Paul on some show... ANY SHOW this month.
07-08-28 18:32:01
Treg007 ::: Favorites
If you don't like Olberman, how about PBS's news program? An interview there would be more Ron Paul's speed. He is not one to give Mathews his "juicy quotes" that he loves to chuckle about. PBS's Newshour will reach a target voter and age group that Ron Paul needs.
07-08-27 20:08:14
chrisinmainz ::: Favorites
Yes, put Ron Paul on the show!
07-08-27 19:09:32
jeff325a ::: Favorites
Aaron Russo died Friday. Rest In Peace. He produced The Rose, Trading Places, but he considered his most important accomplishment: America: Freedom to Fascism starring himself and Ron Paul. free at FreedomToFascism. com 2hrs. We post this story here because mainstream media ignores it -- watch the movie and discover why!
07-08-27 08:40:07
dogmanstar66 ::: Favorites
Come on Chris. Your audience demands it. Give them what they want!
07-08-27 08:34:45
bsullivan2 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul On Hardball! It even rhymes! COME ON MATTHEWS!!!
07-08-27 08:21:23
roodala ::: Favorites
If freespeech still exists, let him speak!
07-08-27 08:16:49
thiajami ::: Favorites
Fox news...if youre not all quitters than take the challenge and add RON PAUL.
07-08-27 07:48:29
jimbabb ::: Favorites
Dear Fox News, It's time to pretend that you have supported Ron Paul all along.
07-08-27 07:42:06
Tony61786 ::: Favorites
Ron paul pleaseee
07-08-27 06:53:42
soccerball999 ::: Favorites
If you want your ratings to go up, RON PAUL supporters will be watching...and all of the rest of the "FREE THINKERS"!
07-08-27 05:58:54
infodtorg ::: Favorites
YES !!
07-08-27 05:17:57
infodtorg ::: Favorites
07-08-27 05:17:16
Garbonzo07 ::: Favorites
07-08-27 05:05:56
dmcbride1978 ::: Favorites
I concur... Chris Matthews rules.
07-08-27 04:29:57
Ender1zero1 ::: Favorites
I don't watch Tv rots your brain but if you want him on good luck to ya.
07-08-27 04:15:14
heehee7haahaa7 ::: Favorites
I doubt the network will let him on..
07-08-27 03:45:10
freekrolik ::: Favorites
To make fair decision, you need to hear everyone. Let the people decide and bring those who have something more to say! Ron Paul will answer all the questions, he has nothing to hide!
07-08-27 03:44:43

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