Saturday, September 15, 2007

John Edwards - Ice Cream in Perry, Iowa

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 19:55:00
User: johnedwards
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John, Elizabeth, Jack and Emma Claire Edwards stop for ice cream in Perry, Iowa on August 13, 2007. The Edwards family is in Iowa for the weeklong Fighting For One America bus tour. The tour takes the Edwards family from the Iowa State Fair to town hall meetings and community gatherings across the state, culminating in the Democratic Presidential Debate on August 19 at Drake University.

Raina737 ::: Favorites
Ann Romney has chronic degenerative Multiple Sclerosis, and she is not fawned over by fans and the press. Romney does not use her as an excuse (for lateness, etc) like Edwards uses Elizabeth.
07-08-17 08:28:49
Znack99 ::: Favorites
lol strategyminded That's it: play the cancer card. "They are homeschooling Jack and Emma Clair, so that they can spend more time together (sob) on the campaign trail (sniff), to add to those memories (boohoo)that the family has together, with Elizabeth Edwards' cancer and all." Mitt Romney's wife has an incurable illness but you don't see him using it for pity votes and political gain.
07-08-17 08:24:07
LPsunshine ::: Favorites
The Edwards' children are sharing with their parents the real America, and making wonderful memories that will last them a lifetime.
07-08-16 17:53:25
micsc50 ::: Favorites
They are somebody else's kids their hair is all messed up.
07-08-15 20:01:55
micsc50 ::: Favorites
Watch out don't mess up that hair!! I bet he had a $500 hair cut before he went in the ice cream shop. What a man the breck Boy is.
07-08-15 19:59:54
strategyminded ::: Favorites
"Exploit"? They are homeschooling Jack and Emma Clair, so that they can spend more time together on the campaign trail, to add to those memories that the family has together, with Elizabeth Edwards' cancer and all. For you to even use the word "exploit," proves that you are an idiot.
07-08-15 17:20:37
Znack99 ::: Favorites
That's it... Exploit the kids.
07-08-14 17:18:30
limeorange2 ::: Favorites
I love the Edwards, too! The fact that the Edwards kids behave so "normally" is a testament to loving and balanced parenting. I'd love to see this beautiful and sincere family in the White House!
07-08-14 15:38:49
Mardee1 ::: Favorites
I want what Jack's having! What a sweet little boy - concerned about his sister. Now where do you suppose he learned that? I love the Edwards.
07-08-14 11:59:34
ShortbusMooner ::: Favorites
John promises, "Ice cream in every bowl!" Yummmm! ;)
07-08-13 22:29:05

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