Saturday, September 15, 2007

What's New...Looking back...Sorry...Thankyou...And Adios!

Duration: 11:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-08 11:23:52
User: Blade376
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What's happening in my life right now? Back at university! Feel alot better! Website going good! Support forum! Need logo/intro/music! 100th video is just around the corner! Sorry for those I've annoyed in the past! Thanks all for support! "The Myles Dyer Show" out soon! Band's Demo out this wednesday! Things are going to get alot better!

lurveit ::: Favorites
random rules! lol
07-01-15 05:22:57
Blade376 ::: Favorites
It's not giving up if you know stopping what your doing is for the best. Our friendship was destructive. I'm finished with talking about this publicly anyway. Stop bringing it out here.
07-01-13 14:24:08
CHOWMEINGASM ::: Favorites
"I never give up on people" What a load of toss.
07-01-12 15:46:19
badkid3 ::: Favorites
You are listening to me!! Going to the gym I mean.. I told you you needed it.. lol. :D:D. If you need tips on that--I know a lot about eating plans, or w/e, and I also have a Dietary program that helps you make eating plans and stuff.. Give me a heads up if you want my help. XO.
07-01-11 13:45:40
badkid3 ::: Favorites
I AM NOT GETTING OUT!!! :D:D I am glad you are back... Sorry I havent posted a comment earlier.. Love ya Dyer!
07-01-11 13:37:40
mikesatomicdustbin ::: Favorites
'Why do people trash their own place they live in' -That is a question I have been asking myself for 3 years now...I dont think I will ever find the answer../ -mike-
07-01-11 00:16:22
arammat ::: Favorites
How the heck do you have time to study, with all the other things you are into?
07-01-10 19:48:21
Opethvince ::: Favorites
I've got some midi songs <3 Hahah xD
07-01-10 18:41:18
a13x4 ::: Favorites
Heya, sorry to hear about the trashing of the kitchen etc... If I find time I'll try and make you a logo- but I can't promise it. Take care
07-01-10 13:14:22
rockstarkrys ::: Favorites
.... not so swell.
07-01-09 20:18:35

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