Saturday, September 15, 2007

What's your most awkward experience?

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 17:57:34
User: Blade376
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(Sorry lip movement is off - tried uploading this twice and for some reason youtube is a bit messy with lip sync) We all have those times where we pray never to experience the same thing again - including those times that are so very awkward! Please share your stories after hearing mine...

bicycleconnoisseur ::: Favorites
haha my friend was at a bus stop the other day and thought she saw someone from our old school there too- so she said ABBY! really loudly, and they turned round and it was a boy... she had to sit there waiting for the bus in silence for about 10 minutes after that
07-09-01 12:41:40
xDeranged ::: Favorites
the walking around makes me dizzy, please dontt
07-09-01 00:38:28
defana ::: Favorites
Well it was a mate of mine whos mother had died 2 or 3 years ealier, I knew this but he didnt know I knew it. So to the story, he made kind of a jokish command at me like "go get me a piece of paper" and I replied "Im not your mother" and then it was like awkward silence and its unexplainable but he went like almost sad you couldnt notice and after like 6 dreadful silence he said like "no you arent" in a kinda sad low voice. I just didnt think of it at the moment and it just slipped out of me
07-08-07 00:49:55
elliespoonmoose ::: Favorites
similar one to your hand one: Some girl said she liked the band i had on my tshirt, and i thought she gave me the metal fingers so i threw the horns up back and laughed, and she was all offended looking.. yeah, turned out her hand was disfigured so it looked like she was \M/ing all the time. That was no fun.
07-06-02 17:59:05
i think hes hot
07-05-27 14:10:33
carrotred ::: Favorites
man i have too many i can't say lol mostly it is to do with girls but when ever it happens i feel like "why is it always me!" but looking at this i see i am not alone :)
07-05-22 13:14:00
LilMsDiva4u ::: Favorites
LOL...what made it bad for me was that the class I was supposed to be in was a journalism class...but I walked into a chem. class. So there were elements on the board and stuff. LOL. It took me forever to realize it.
07-05-06 17:21:14
Roosterruler ::: Favorites
I wouldn't post it as a vid... but. I was just sitting on the ground, and a person (specifically nice guy.. yeah, we'll leave it at that) randomly decides to walk over me. And I'm a spaz. If I get ticked, I jerk. So I immediately flung my hand straight up.. and he was standing oer me.. and it wasn't, well, the best experience in the world. I was like, "OH crap! Sorry..." Very awkward.
07-05-06 16:29:16
keimfreiexliebe ::: Favorites
Many many... one i remember happened in berlin recently. i was in the subway with some friends of mine and one had this coffeemilk thing and opened it for some reason, she nearly spilled it and when the train stopped i wanted to throw it out, but accidentally poured it on some guy, i didnt see him though so couldnt apologize but he was standing behind me for over 15 minutes. that was awkward.
07-05-06 16:00:36
damnedsilence ::: Favorites
my most cringing experience was when i was taking a graveyard tour with a group of people from my school while in Belgium a couple of weeks ago, and i was told to throw some mud while in the graveyard by the tour guide. i was just like, NOOOO WAY! but he made me do it and assured me it would be alirght, so i throw the mud badly so i wouldnt hit any gravestones, but what do i do? i hit a freaking gravestone, and then i managed to do it again!!! i felt so so so embarrassed and bad about it XP...
07-05-06 13:58:15

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