Saturday, September 15, 2007

Re: So the Dispatcher wants to see some Proof...

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-16 07:13:23
User: Blade376
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Renetto, I think I've made my choice on what I've made of you...

Jiji573 ::: Favorites
Myles, you RULE YouTube, Renetto just THINKS he does. I hate him and want him gone!
07-03-10 19:42:19
gscope ::: Favorites
Haha wow someone you tube who is some what attractive. Im not coming on to you JUST STATING FACT ahahaha Peace man.
07-01-03 09:36:53
pdalko ::: Favorites
You sound like a nice kid with his head screwed on straight.. good to see someone like that for a change...
06-12-13 22:03:03
kumkowski ::: Favorites
you're hott.
06-12-03 22:16:58
sala19843714 ::: Favorites
Beautiful eyes and nice voice
06-11-30 20:07:42
melfa ::: Favorites
i like your accent :] good video
06-11-27 18:41:37
fatherghostface2 ::: Favorites
Myles, you RULE YouTube, Renetto just THINKS he does. I hate him and want him gone!
06-11-25 18:00:39
qazaq02 ::: Favorites
mature indecency?
06-11-22 18:08:24
WorldinMotion ::: Favorites
even away from the black and white of the still have dark eyes.
06-11-22 10:18:07
WorldinMotion ::: Favorites
you have dark eyes
06-11-22 10:17:02

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