Sunday, October 21, 2007

First KH:358/2 Footage!

Duration: 00:3 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 20:31:50
User: Xaldinkhvids
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You saw it at first!


Cloudstrife252Khvids ::: Favorites
i have said this many times before, but: OH MY JEBUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111one1oneo1ne i mean, how cool is this... THANK YOU, ANONYMOUS JAPANESE SAGE!!!!!
07-10-21 05:31:21
Xplayin ::: Favorites
WOW! That was the most amazing 3 seconds of blurriness and no sound I've ever had the fortune of watching!
07-10-21 05:07:56
Lioneh ::: Favorites
I don't think its odd :D I agree with you! x3;
07-10-21 04:50:12
mangahawk92 ::: Favorites
Battlesystem doesn`t look too different from what we have been used to.
07-10-21 04:01:16
NiGHTSChao689 ::: Favorites
I really dont give a shit if its real, KH is a horrible game
07-10-21 03:38:57
budget31 ::: Favorites
roxas is lookin pretty tiny
07-10-21 03:25:43
pillsbery ::: Favorites
LOL, i keep rewatching it thinking its gonna be longer than 3 seconds...
07-10-21 02:55:36
Reddog619 ::: Favorites
thanks for posting this your are awsome
07-10-21 02:51:08
Kagome1nonly ::: Favorites
best...3...seconds...of my life
07-10-21 02:48:52
Willsheej ::: Favorites
Is it odd to prefer this over the PSP game coming out, even though that's supposed to have "graphics like the PS2 counterpart"? Somehow finding out about what happened between the end of CoM and the beginning of KH2 and being able to see more about Roxas is more appealing to me than BbS.
07-10-21 02:48:29

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