Sunday, October 21, 2007

sokkas master part 1

Duration: 09:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-17 02:38:44
User: alienwargtx
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sokkas master


airearth4 ::: Favorites
AVATAR RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-10-20 23:03:21
coolestpersonever14 ::: Favorites
wow, i love this one, the next one though, tottaly sucks ass!!!! its so bad it not even funny!
07-10-20 19:23:14
kloski ::: Favorites
good episode
07-10-20 13:32:35
BigTymez1 ::: Favorites
Yess i need to watch this
07-10-20 13:12:05
Rontrick ::: Favorites
That was awesome armor Aang had. Kinda like Nightmare's. At least things work out for Sokka now in a long time
07-10-20 11:09:27
karitza12 ::: Favorites
cool buen trabajo...x3
07-10-17 23:45:53

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