Sunday, October 21, 2007

Real Reason Andrew Meyer was Tased

Duration: 08:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-11 21:12:43
User: MystikWizard
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Freedom of Speech issue? Not really. Andrew Meyer was asked to leave, refused and escalated the matter to the point where he did get arrested, continued to resist arrest, and therefore was tased.


SelmaGoods ::: Favorites
As a left-wing liberal, I agree that disrupting a community meeting by being disrespectful & belligerent & then framing it in the guise of "free speech' is a cowardly attempt to not take responsibilities for your actions. Anyone acting in this manner deserved to be forcibly removed from this meeting & if tasers were necessary, tough shit! Since this was NOT his meeting or forum, he should have given the OTHER participants of this meeting the common courtesy of acting in civilized manner.
07-10-20 05:50:02
MystikWizard ::: Favorites
You go, Selma. You tell 'em!
07-10-20 06:20:53
TheRealJChristopher ::: Favorites
you are absolutely right... i agree 100% with you... and guess what ... I used to go to UF.... i also got arrested their by UFPD , i was completely out of control and behaving poorly but since i cooperated with the arrest, i did not get tased or physically harassed at all... UFPD resonded appropriately !!!!!!
07-10-17 15:03:54
Fringe111 ::: Favorites
Ummm Tasing is torture. Give me a break, the guy acted like a jerk OK!!! An elderly woman was tased a couple of weeks ago because she couldn't hear the officers asking her some questions. They tasered her and she died. The fear mongoring in this country is way out of control. Read 1984, that's what happening to our country now. I'm not trying to be direpectful of your views
07-10-12 12:38:41
watchmaker2 ::: Favorites
Since when did 56 become elderly?. Anyway, she was wildly swinging two knives and a hammer! Also, the family gave permission to tase her. If you fight the police in the performance of their duty you should get tased. I'm sick of these people who think that everyone deserves 5 or 6 or 7 or infinite chances. People should take responsibility for their actions or suffer the consequences.
07-10-15 00:52:24
Fringe111 ::: Favorites
Look I just got a vid where a man was tased in Montreal. He came off the plane acting very violent. Know one knew what was wrong with him so they tased him and he died. I'm sorry but he could have had mental problems or high on meth, no one knows. Throw a net over him or subue him another way. Tasers are now being re-evaluted.
07-10-15 08:27:48
ReinerTorheit ::: Favorites
You're a piece of Nazi shit. Your "facts" are a pack of lies. How come he had been GIVEN THE MICROPHONE? And you think it's RIGHT to TASER people who ask awkward questions? YOU ARE A FUCKING SHITHEAD YANKEE. THE WHOLE PROBLEM WITH THE WORLD IS YANKEE CUNTS LIKE YOU, BUSH, CHENEY AND OTHER NEOCON *SHIT*.
07-10-11 22:01:46
MystikWizard ::: Favorites
Ha. I am anything but a NeoCon, you Far Left Nutball. I will agree with you on one thing. Someone should not be tased for asking a question. Now was that all Andrew Meyer did? Didn't think so.
07-10-11 22:50:52
Fringe111 ::: Favorites
Hey wait what do you mean by the word Yankee. I happen to agree with you
07-10-15 08:29:05
SelmaGoods ::: Favorites
This asshole was not tasered for "asking awkward questions". He was tasered for being an out of control, fucking idiot who thought that he could just take over this meeting & get away with it. Yankee in my mind means American & NOT Neocon but of course a bright individual like you must have already known that.
07-10-20 05:57:19

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