Sunday, October 21, 2007


Duration: 02:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-16 11:44:45
User: ErikErikSonD
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matrixoverkill ::: Favorites
America this is the battle that will determine the fate of freedom in the world.You must resist!Do not let them implant you!You have strength,courage,and true patriotism!Justice continues to ride,her Sword of Truth drawn!
07-10-18 03:29:13
Damedor ::: Favorites
Oh shit, they warned us about this on "Zeitgiest the movie"... I guess they were right.
07-10-17 16:46:09
TitenSxull ::: Favorites
u know its dangerous when they're giving out this stuff for free...
07-10-17 16:27:50
dragonguyver ::: Favorites
Orrrr I dunno... maybe we could actually live in real communities again? Where people actually know and care for each other? Nah. That's nuts.
07-10-16 22:48:46

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