Sunday, March 30, 2008

"We are the ones we've been waiting for" YES WE CAN!!

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-07 00:11:20

Barack bringing the Country together!!


TOM110372  2008-03-28 20:44:41

excellent sound and compilation. thanks
dihi548  2008-03-14 01:53:05

we are the ones we have been waiting for. i believe it. i feel it when obama speaks. that is why forces are trying so hard to stop him. they feel it also. they know the gravey train is about to come to a stop. it is true that this democracy will never be destroyed from without, only from within. we have to vote this november in major mass so they can't steal it again. if clinton goes ind, and nader is the spoiler, stop them dead by our numbers. the people rule!! vote!!!
THEWAYILIVE564  2008-03-07 19:59:27

we need obama
abstracts247  2008-02-23 14:14:02

Inspiring Video!
anotheropinionplease  2008-02-22 17:09:20


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