Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vega & Fury-Tangled Up

Duration: 03:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 19:56:29

i have luvd this song since 4evr! :D plus, i sorta have a crush on vega. XDDDD no comment... XP WHAT?!? hes cute. XP


MugenMurasameLiger  2008-03-06 18:15:49

yay! ^^ thx!
wingedkyuubi  2008-03-06 12:27:21

i liked this vid. it was short but i rly liked the timing on everything. 5/5
MugenMurasameLiger  2008-03-05 17:18:24

lzeroxx22  2008-03-05 17:16:34

haha :D
MugenMurasameLiger  2008-03-05 17:10:32

thx zero! :D ive noticed aswell, look how far ive come. XD

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