Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spyro Double Jump Series Episode 5 Hurricos

Duration: 05:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-20 16:16:23

My favorite level for double jumps! I had to cut some parts out, because it was too big of a file, the first time I downloaded it. Special guest starring, SpongeBob SquarePants!


kingblahblahthe99th  2008-03-27 06:47:11

ha ha lol you made fun of the fact that spongebob and mouse tech nerd person thing have the same voice actor. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLLOOLOLOLLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!
adrianmat9  2008-03-26 21:49:11

That is the voice of Spongebob! No wonder it sound familer!
Lori794  2008-02-03 20:25:30

I need help doing the double jump trick. I can't completly figure out how to do it while moving...
Rokkerfox999  2008-01-06 12:05:54

The guy's called: Tom Kenny, and he's also the voice of Spyro himself ( not in the first Spyro, but in Spyro2 and Spyro3), and a bunch of other caracters in Spyro2 and Spyro3, like: Sargeant James Byrd! Look him up in Wikipedia, he's the voice of a whole line of cartoon and game caracters!
DogDragonlover  2008-01-04 22:17:58

i knew it!! i knew spongbob voiced that guy after all these years!! sorry had to get that out of my sistem ^//^;

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