Sunday, March 30, 2008

Basic sketchy physics

Duration: 05:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-02 11:24:11

a very basic piston


biteme2367  2008-03-29 13:43:55

You have to choose the connect joint button and select both your joint and the group while holding down the Ctrl key
club559  2008-03-22 14:35:43

club559  2008-03-22 14:14:17

THIS IS NOT BASIC I can't do it :(
15milkshake15  2008-03-17 17:25:55

I am the one that posted the video comment at the top and i found it really simple to do.
timmorthorst  2008-03-04 16:08:49

I have easily made sketchyphysics work. But my problem is to make the components stick together. I have tryed making the piston, just like shown in the video, but when i press play, the components fall apart. Please help me. (rammstein _ ichwill @ hotmail . com)

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