Friday, September 7, 2007

Cultural Awareness Training

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 22:53:47
User: wogsland
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Since we are moving to the southeast I'm trying to get the girls in tune with the local culture.

distorteddogma ::: Favorites
the family that plays together, gets tossed out of the appartment together
07-06-22 12:45:19
SlowStrider ::: Favorites
Please Wogsland play the whole song!!! I'd love to hear it :-D
07-06-18 14:45:20
Moona1966 ::: Favorites
Your daughter is SO talented! :) What part of the southeast are y'all moving to?
07-06-18 09:28:54
rednip28 ::: Favorites
Thanks for that wogsland Sometime in the future your going to have a very talented daughter
07-06-18 02:10:47
BGenerous ::: Favorites
Well done! Great song, but it does kinda' creep me out, because of the movie.
07-06-17 18:41:01
davechapl ::: Favorites
Nice job
07-06-17 17:12:11
conibonjovi ::: Favorites
It's Lisa and Homer, doh! Very good!
07-06-17 16:53:11
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
Aww, very good. I LOVE that song, lol even you went wrong :P
07-06-17 09:00:29
dontheman17 ::: Favorites
Your right she does have a good hear for the music. I do love the sax. No better instrument for allowing the musician an opportunity to express themself musicly from the heart though the instrument.
07-06-16 23:57:01
slorge ::: Favorites
same key, Nigel...LOL
07-06-16 23:45:10

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