Friday, September 7, 2007

Tino the best Mini Bull terrier pup ever!

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 09:07:40
User: mmacdona2
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:::: Top Videos of Day

Say hi to Tino (short for Valentino, named after Valentino Rossi), my lovely new Bullie pup! Apart from being the best looking dog in the world, he also sports a wonderful personality and playful temperament. Stay tuned for more periodic videos of him growing up.

666xXxOrochimaruxXx ::: Favorites
Question: i have always wanted a white english bull terrier but i do not know how much they cost i don't need a definate price just like £500-£600 or £700-£800
07-09-06 15:48:20
motherpuffer ::: Favorites
So cute! Tino is like a piglet, but much better. I love that he is so pink!
07-08-26 12:32:24
Guerlainyep ::: Favorites
Ahaha too funny, watch mine too. Guerlainyep
07-08-25 03:29:01
Guerlainyep ::: Favorites
Ahaha too funny, watch mine too. Guerlainyep
07-08-25 03:26:34
trustmeizold ::: Favorites
he is lovely i want 1 lol do they get big like higher than my nee
07-08-24 15:06:24
Xjastet ::: Favorites
Haha Kill the watch! Oh, fingers! No wait, curtains!!
07-08-21 01:53:54
PiersR ::: Favorites
is this a miniature bull terrier? Becaause i love the minis
07-08-18 04:46:24
MCphresh ::: Favorites
i lvoe bull terriers, how much does a bull terrier pup cost anyway?
07-08-14 06:52:12
craigo79 ::: Favorites
He is a dude
07-07-28 03:18:09
cesarsalad366 ::: Favorites
hey! how much did u buy him for
07-07-10 20:58:26

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