Friday, September 7, 2007

Reo Speedwagon " I Needed To Fall" From XM Radio

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-08 14:40:05
User: greatonyak
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Reo Speedwagon " I needed to Fall" on XM Radio

Any50001 ::: Favorites
Do they have a Video out that would help. I bet VH1 would play it too if they had one.
07-08-22 22:19:42
ladyt49 ::: Favorites
awesome song!!!!!!!!
07-08-18 09:49:37
technologydude ::: Favorites
Great Song, I love it even more that it was done at XM
07-08-12 15:25:00
kikinoodle77 ::: Favorites
I am loving this song! They did it at their concert last week in Dayton, Ohio. THEY ROCK!
07-07-23 14:33:52
mjreynolds1966 ::: Favorites
I was a fan a long time ago when it was cool to be a reo fan. But after hearing this song I know I liked them not only because they were cool but because they were talented and not one ounce of that has left them with age I think its even better.This Is an amazing song!
07-07-20 19:04:13
Tomchichi ::: Favorites
The really need a couple of decent size markets to play it and it will soar. My radio market reaches about 1 million people and they have played it in the past but not in rotation. I keep on them however.
07-06-28 15:41:37
mddwello ::: Favorites
Up to #27 this week on R&R, but no extra spins from last week. They need a couple of big stations to start playing it at this point.
07-06-27 21:08:41
Tomchichi ::: Favorites
The more calls and emails they get the better. I also think the more time it spends on the charts the more stations might come around. Hopefully
07-06-27 20:54:07
mddwello ::: Favorites
I've tried as well. Good Luck, unfortunately it's not happening, but I'll keep on them as well.
07-06-27 20:51:44
Tomchichi ::: Favorites
This song is holding strong on the AC charts at #30 still. I have emailed my local program directors trying to get airplay for it. This is a great song and needs to be heard
07-06-27 20:21:53

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