Friday, September 7, 2007

Mike Daisey Audience Protest, Walkout and Attack

Duration: 10:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 11:12:52
User: mdaisey
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Mike Daisey was performing his monologue INVINCIBLE SUMMER at American Repertory Theatre on April 19th when the show was disrupted by eighty seven members of a Christian group who walked out of the show en masse to protest the content, and chose to physically attack the work by pouring water on and destroying the original of his show outline. For a full account of the experience please visit and

sassygirl345 ::: Favorites
those CHRISTIANS SHOULD GET UP AND WALK OUT ON GEORGE BUSH, do they know who did 911? oh no they DONT, they have SELECTIVE VISION why are they at this guys show anyway, if you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
07-08-27 22:46:48
7kone ::: Favorites
stay free.
07-08-20 01:41:35
Dynmi ::: Favorites
This was the Norco High School Choir... (norco is some little town in CA) Yea, my old school they were loosers there too.
07-08-18 01:47:32
FriedrichWilliamII ::: Favorites
Wow, what a bunch of immature assholes.
07-08-17 18:19:10
CyreShadow ::: Favorites
those people are complete insults to christians. You have a right to walk out, but you do not have the right to destroy. This man exhibited incredible self control. It looked like an older man who dumped the water, I would have grabbed him and held him there.
07-08-16 06:32:40
GoobAlution ::: Favorites
Kudos to you for keeping your cool, Mike! As a performer, I believe that would have to be the most unsettling thing in the world, especially in the middle of a packed house. But you rocked, especially starting the dialogue with those that were just as confused as you were. Fabulous, buddy. Fabu-fucking-lous!
07-08-16 00:15:25
taoofmichael ::: Favorites
Irony? These Christian retards bought tickets! Then they left the good seats to everyone else. God's will is done in the end. Now if they would just get raptured and leave all the rest of the good seats in the world too! And please take the fundamentalist Muslims too! Now this guy is more famous than ever, 137thousand hits! Thanks Christians! I never would have seen this guy if you hadn't pulled this little Nazi protest.
07-08-09 12:59:03
taoofmichael ::: Favorites
This is truly ironic. They bought tickets! Then left all the good seats for others to move up. God's will is done in the end. You got to love these Christian retards. Now if they would all just get raptured, and leave us the good seats all over the world! And please take the fundamentalist Muslims with you! This guy is now famous! Thanks Christians!
07-08-09 12:51:08
terri22221 ::: Favorites
hypatience; You've summed them up just right: Too many 'christians' live in ignorance, fear, hypocrisy and have ENORMOUS EGO'S and think they possess the ONE and ONLY TRUTH. It truly sickens me that a group of ppl can go around with such arrogance, and the minute you do something they don't like, its: You're going to hell! What a bunch of sociopathic monsters and liars.
07-08-01 15:01:08
antney1108 ::: Favorites
Bravo to you for your composure and self control. Those sheep certainly had the right to walk out but nobody, not for any reason, had any need or right to destroy your papers. That man is actually guilty of a crime.
07-08-01 12:27:00

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