Friday, September 7, 2007

House the movie 2007

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-08 00:54:22
User: alivin4him
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The first trailer for the anticipated movie based on the book by best selling authors Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti.

stfortna ::: Favorites
Well, yes, in a way the villan was the house, but the reason was because of TinMan.
07-09-05 20:42:33
bband505 ::: Favorites
i actually read the book and it was really good i want to see the movie but i'm afraid that it is gonna be different from the book. But i suggest that people read it it had me wanting more!
07-09-04 22:12:37
fullmetalgirl ::: Favorites
Technically...the villian was the house
07-09-04 19:52:02
Underoathkid777 ::: Favorites
Oh man I LOVED the book. It remains one of my favorites to date. Can't WAIT for the movie :D Yeeha!
07-09-02 21:25:20
stfortna ::: Favorites
You know, Ted Dekker announced on his website that the movie is being held back to Spring 2008. He didn't explain why, but then again it's Ted Dekker we're talking about, he and Frank Peretti don't need a reason why, it's just because. I think that the title of the book should have been something a bit more original too. Something that involved more of the villan, not the setting.
07-08-31 20:23:12
slaterthre3e ::: Favorites
go to thecircletrilogy dot com - ted dekkers new site! ITS AWESOME!
07-08-24 20:57:23
verg3re ::: Favorites
A new site of Ted's just opened up- TheCircleTrilogy dot com It's for his new graphic novels of Black, Red, and White. There's a preview of Black and wallpapers and stuff, really cool.
07-08-24 15:33:12
Dibrini ::: Favorites
Young man, such language!
07-08-23 18:01:32
HiddenRefugeDarkFire ::: Favorites
yeah it would also help if less americans were stubborn assholes like you too...
07-08-23 17:58:56
Dibrini ::: Favorites
It would help if most Americans still knew what a book was.
07-08-23 09:53:00

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