Monday, July 30, 2007

Address to Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Duration: 2452 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-24 11:39:06
User: BarackObamadotcom
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Senator Obama addresses the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on April 23, 2007.

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dailybread7 ::: Favorites
Christians for Obama
07-05-05 20:28:56
anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
The role of the U.S. in global affairs, relative to the President's authorities/responsibilities, should be very carefully limited according to the consitution. Not policing, not feeding the world but to manage trade and commerce responsibly. Ron Paul has the wisdom and constitutional acumen to accomplish this. Do not be fooled by a one-note (Iraq War) politicians like McCain, Obama, CLinton et al.
07-05-06 11:49:32
sheepskin11 ::: Favorites
Breath of fresh air!
07-05-08 18:09:37
FelixFlores86 ::: Favorites
I felt that everything he was saying was too general. I would want to hear more specifics about the plans he proposed.
07-05-11 00:05:25
nihowmache ::: Favorites
Obama is the next John F Kennedy
07-05-15 08:37:54
ETORNAM8 ::: Favorites
Did you realise that he was addressing, "the chicago council on global affairs" Therefore he is bound to illustrate the vision of his governmet-to-come. That was the purpose for which he was invited to give the speech. Think!
07-05-17 13:17:30
kwamena123 ::: Favorites
The elections are way ahead of us. None of the candidates would put all their cards on the table right now. The specifics of their policy issues are presented as the primaries draws closer. If you check on Hillary's site, there's basically not a single policy statement, and not even generalities. Yet, the media is giving her a free pass and calling on only Obama to come out with "specifics". Maybe, we should start with the one who claims to be the 'anointed one'.
07-05-22 02:16:54
equalmusic ::: Favorites
Can you imagine how much more rational a place the world would be if this man had been president on September 11, 2001?
07-05-22 13:11:18
gemini2476 ::: Favorites
mmmm. . . .I don't disagree, but I can't say I agreee. I would say the next Robert F Kennedy.
07-05-22 14:04:09
alyfay ::: Favorites
Credibility again and again. A balancing between responsability and solidariety is the ingredient of a new US leadership and multitask governance for stability and security. And the ingredient of new cosmoplitan humanism. THANKS BARACK!!
07-05-29 08:24:27

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