Monday, July 30, 2007 Gym Equipment 101: Foam Rollers Part 2

Duration: 80 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-13 11:18:42
User: diethealth
:::: Favorites
Description: fitness videos will show you how to look like a pro at the gym. In this free workout video Sarah and Katrina show you how to use a Foam Roller and the different exercises you can use it for. Part 2 forcuses on stability and flexibility, by really working your core muscles. Katrina shows you how to do a pushup and worrks your abs in this video.

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onebigbadwulf ::: Favorites
I got a foam roller for her...
07-07-15 03:43:59
FarQRsoul ::: Favorites
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07-07-15 04:45:14
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07-07-15 07:53:55
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07-07-15 08:05:19
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07-07-15 08:25:00
FarQRsoul ::: Favorites
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07-07-15 09:30:27
bigmoviesite ::: Favorites
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07-07-15 09:38:29
PvAiPsAiZoInAsN ::: Favorites
07-07-15 10:23:46
qualqui ::: Favorites
Thanx again for the great tip, i understand that both exercises are good for our abs, right? will try 'cause my abs are buried under a layer of flab or fat, want them out on the surface!!!
07-07-16 21:40:06
websfinlandxcom ::: Favorites
Rate 5 again :)
07-07-25 07:58:23

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