Monday, July 30, 2007

John Edwards - Energy Plan, Iraq, Universal Health Care

Duration: 399 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-26 23:48:18
User: johnedwards
:::: Favorites

John Edwards speaks about his energy plan, Iraq, and universal health care during a press conference in San Francisco, Calif., March 26, 2007.

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eatmejesus ::: Favorites
A compliment from a Nazi like you Thanks!
07-07-10 16:42:29
Lvmyh2 ::: Favorites
Don't mention it..
07-07-11 16:12:02
eatmejesus ::: Favorites
Lvmyh2 is a Troll! This user doesn't have any videos, friends, subscribers, and is not a member of any groups.
07-07-13 05:25:37
plc1 ::: Favorites
What is this CFR anyway? Better check it out. Newt Gingrich CFR Dick Cheney CFR John McCain CFR Rudy Giuliani CFR Al Gore CFR Fred Thompson CFR Hillary Clinton CFR Barack Obama CFR Joseph Biden CFR Bill Richardson CFR John Edwards CFR
07-07-14 15:27:02
Lvmyh2 ::: Favorites
I know you are, but what am I?
07-07-16 11:47:51
josethemexican16 ::: Favorites
Edwards made his fortune from lying and suing innocent doctors. He can have my vote if I can have his car, his bitch, and his fucking $400 haircut.
07-07-21 21:52:37
ChuckInReno ::: Favorites
Wow Jose, I want people like you voting for president. You sure know how to identify important issues. Not.
07-07-26 00:27:29
josethemexican16 ::: Favorites
Try a rich, white lawyer who sued doctors into submission going on a "poor aid" campaign. Does that not sound hypocritical? And I don't believe I was talking to you, was I? Or do you feel so important, with all of your porn on your profile, that you somehow feel entitled to attention from me? Why don't you sit on that while having your "Happy Chuck time".
07-07-26 00:42:31
paulc1939 ::: Favorites
I always laugh when either Democratic and Republican politicians talk about the jobs their policies will create. If they have their way, whatever jobs are created will be shipped overseas as quickly as their corporate supporters can make it happen. Only Dennis Kucinich even talks about reversing the outsourcing of jobs.
07-07-27 15:47:23
stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
Qur'an 9:5 Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem or war" Ishaq:300 "fighting is righteous, true, and good." Tabari IX:69 "As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in the cause of Allah. Killing him is a small matter to us"
07-07-28 16:27:36

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