Monday, July 30, 2007


Duration: 131 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-04 15:43:50
User: CBCtv
:::: Favorites

Michael Moore slams greedy US capitalists that squash universal health care, unlike Canada, France, Britain and Cuba where even the poor get good care.

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nefa2ious ::: Favorites
aw it crapped out around 1:48
07-07-20 20:57:38
mystykit ::: Favorites
I guess it got censored at that point?
07-07-21 22:10:55
fannynoise ::: Favorites
The message is still clear (even if the last third of this video appears to have disappeared): Trickle down is just another way of saying "piss on you". By YOU, we mean the honest and hard working masses of America. The upper crust of haves and have mores are doing the pissing. Time for a change!
07-07-25 18:15:31

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