Monday, July 30, 2007


Duration: 491 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 12:13:05
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Gonzales explains other intelligence activities

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redviper101 ::: Favorites
07-07-26 04:26:25
coldice76 ::: Favorites
Is this real? This is theater. It must be.
07-07-26 05:11:00
silyfayg ::: Favorites
lol @ Americas Attorney General....and America. Wake up people! America is supposed to be the Light of the world, not elitist, lying, thieves!
07-07-26 09:09:41
Ulrich20 ::: Favorites
Man! what do you have to do to be impeached in the U.S.?
07-07-26 10:39:59
kac56 ::: Favorites
Why is this liar still our Atty General?
07-07-26 11:48:19
selfTrust1 ::: Favorites
My God! This makes me want to cry. What is happening to our country? Where is the outrage?? Get these damn people out!!
07-07-26 11:56:54
thirdimpact ::: Favorites
Sometimes reality is the best theater.
07-07-26 16:24:08
xknifeparty ::: Favorites
I wonder what those "other" domestic spying programs are..if they are unrelated to terrorist activities...
07-07-27 11:59:55
annenna ::: Favorites
I think the laugh is his 'tell'
07-07-27 19:36:54
blueline250 ::: Favorites
apparently, to get impeached you must get a blow job by a staffer, but anything else it looks like its no holds barred. Which scares the shit out of me, laughing during a hearing, just lying.
07-07-29 06:41:42

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