Monday, July 30, 2007

feminists and nutritionists

Duration: 269 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-13 17:48:25
User: thecaster
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imalwaysrightintheen ::: Favorites
man just stop being critical, it doesnt do anything except for make people mad. and please dont day im being a "pussy" or whatever cause im not, im just being smart.
07-07-23 01:39:53
brothaman4578 ::: Favorites
Why do you watch this? If you are shallow and don't think about things, then shut the fuck up. Thanks :-)
07-07-23 06:00:13
brothaman4578 ::: Favorites
I suggest you watch his On Profanity post. Profanity is just a stronger version of another term or saying. But yes, he does give off the image of ignorance.
07-07-23 06:02:45
aoiahiru ::: Favorites
well put. well put.
07-07-23 15:31:11
aoiahiru ::: Favorites
zombiemonkey: I hope you're not talking to me... I'm not a pakistani, nor do I "swing that way". Though I guess you could rightfully call me nerdy, in a fashion...
07-07-23 15:34:02
yourugly34342 ::: Favorites
I think that we go to profanity when we have no better word. I've seen the video and I also agree with him.
07-07-23 18:38:42
metalica46 ::: Favorites
thats why i dont eat much,im not annerexic but i try and eat the amount that im soppoused to eat like three meals a day and mabey a snack.
07-07-24 02:44:29
kyaekyae ::: Favorites
its healthier to eat six small meals a day.
07-07-24 07:02:47
llove2Utube ::: Favorites
If you knew he was a fag(which you stated) then why did you even click on the link to his video if you already knew about him. Since you do not understand what he said that accept that you are uneducated and dont post stupid comments on his pages and trying to start an internet fight. Get real
07-07-27 12:39:30
coole0 ::: Favorites
hey finally u got a better shirt ..yay it was better then ur last one on that on profanity vid -.-
07-07-29 20:12:50

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