Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Addie Stan on the state of feminism in 2006

Duration: 223 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 13:32:05
User: Politicstv
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Adele Stan (she prefers Addie, thus her blog AddieStan.com) has quite the background in women's studies and journalism. Chances are, if you took a Women's Studies class in college during the past ten years, you probably read her now-ubiqitious text, Debating Sexual Correctness. From Ms. Magazine in the 1980's to her American Prospect article from last month, Addie has weathered the course of the Republican Revolution and sees a lot of parallels between the radical right now and the radical right she faced down as she was beginning her career. Times change, but tactics often don't. Here are Addie's thoughts on the state of feminism in 2006 when she came by our studios on Thursday. [June 1, 2006]

koolaid28 ::: Favorites
Feminism does not represent society. I have spoken. I do not feel the need to explain my position. Thank you.
07-01-03 22:35:48
Verlch ::: Favorites
Amen, we know communism didn't work, Marxist lady!!!!
07-03-21 00:48:18
doreengrey ::: Favorites
Feminism is not about representing society, it is about empowering women in order to have equal status in society.
07-02-13 11:28:59
Verlch ::: Favorites
85% of criminals come from single mother households! Feminists inspired divorce! Victomology is the core of the feminist movement! Save America end organized lesbianism, I mean feminism!!!! Actually there isn't a matriarchy on earth that is stable!!!
07-03-21 00:47:04
sciath ::: Favorites
fucking men haters, always trying to victimize themselves to serve their own agenda
07-04-11 14:44:22
madfishsam ::: Favorites
I have to put in one positive comment. Sexism is still alive and well. There is nothing wrong with insisting that women be recognized as full human beings. Other opinions are shortsighted and destructive.
07-05-17 23:18:56
leangk ::: Favorites
i would not say it is a natural evolution, it is much like a plague or virus. and no we dont see that we need women in power. can you say the roman empire? greece? (except for sparta) the British empire for the most part?
07-05-28 21:35:23
Dutch269 ::: Favorites
You want equality? Then teach females to be accountable for themselves, and we will gladly let you hang out with us. If you want to keep up with the victim crap, you will never be welcome as an equal or as a co-worker. We are not as angry as you try to convince people we are, but we see the irony and injustice that goes with feminism, and theres no way in hell angry man hating females are gunna win. You say that feminism has a long way to go, honey you have no idea.
07-06-01 17:30:58
tallius84 ::: Favorites
The interesting thing about this video is that even though she said that in those countries where women are empowered, those societies tend to do better, there is no clear indication that it is in fact this one factor that made the society "better" to the furthest extent of the term.
07-06-14 23:28:07
luckyvet ::: Favorites
The more empowered a women is the more stable a society is: Bullshit, Africa is a typical example. The patriarchy is the single element that separates the modern world from the stone age. Now, we are regressing. 90% of our criminals are from single mother homes. dumb cunts.
07-06-18 09:16:31

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