Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TPM TV: April 5, 2007

Duration: 264 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 20:37:16
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Was US Attorney scandal player Monica Goodling digging dirt on Al Gore in 2000? TPM reports. Follow all the stories: http://veracifier.com http://talkingpointsmemo.com

Gonnuts ::: Favorites
It's not unlike what the Nazi's did. Take over the media, education and courts. Will they succeed?
07-04-08 17:49:52
bertolet1 ::: Favorites
The word "amoral" comes to mind
07-04-08 18:34:39
getplaning ::: Favorites
Did you hear the guy say, "Hey, Monica? How we lookin' on that" at the end of the clip? If it looks like Monica, and the guy is calling her "Monica", it probably is Monica.
07-04-08 18:39:02
universimplosion ::: Favorites
This shows exactly why bloggers kick the press's ass. Did they play the snipped "hey, Monica" right at the beginning?
07-04-08 18:41:19
angben ::: Favorites
07-04-08 19:32:33
likiniki ::: Favorites
Josh, you're tv persona is getting much better. Keep up the good work.
07-04-08 21:31:28
byronhawthorne ::: Favorites
All politicians reward their ground troops. Be fair, while you are at it.
07-04-10 16:18:01
pkj58348 ::: Favorites
Sorry, it's time for the media to GROW UP! Our country has plenty of problems to take care of without you guys acting like a bunch of 2 year olds wanting to tell Mommy that you caught your little brother kissing the neighbor girl and exspect Mommt to punish him. MY GOD, GROW UP! BIG FLIPPIN' DEAL! "I'm gonna tell Mommy on you..."
07-04-12 18:41:55
ColdChicago ::: Favorites
Ashcroft Justice, Gonzalez Justice.??. those are oxymorons-in all senses. Monica is right to take the Fifth.. Why? Because she understands what they were doing, and that despite having a degree from Pat Robertson's Law School.
07-04-13 17:38:40
carolinatoe ::: Favorites
people need to upload more clips like this. I prefer funnier stuff myself, check out dolphinhump. lostfrog . com , I laughed so hard I got kicked out of class! haha.
07-04-20 22:30:24

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