Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What Does a Guy With 10k Subscribers Do For Fun?

Duration: 71 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-14 04:30:55
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

Something like this.

SpectralFire ::: Favorites
after watching this video i grabbed my pressurised air duster and tried to emulate that sound. But i was sorely dissapointed that mine dosent make any sounds like that
07-04-28 01:44:45
XxbestofthebestxX ::: Favorites
Same here only mine made a little sound.
07-05-04 19:29:13
5thAmericanIdiot ::: Favorites
LMAO! I don't know why but that was fudgen hilarious!
07-05-07 19:18:12
5thAmericanIdiot ::: Favorites
Ya know I just read on the back of my Dust Remover and here's what it says word for word. "DO NOT permit eye or skin contact with liquid contents. May cause frostbite." So I guess it's a possibility.
07-05-07 19:25:39
75princess21 ::: Favorites
completely and utterly stupid... j/k i love ur random videos! they're videos that r a complete waste of my time and they're awesome! i love u Boh3m3!
07-05-11 19:11:33
igloowakatak ::: Favorites
07-06-12 06:09:27
BrownEyedButterfly ::: Favorites
00.25-00.28, and 00.31-00.32, it sounded like a character from the simpsons. You know, theee.. umm.. policeman's son? Ralph? :D And the rest of the time, it sounded like you were choking a cat. You evil man! xD
07-06-13 14:26:43
inchazon ::: Favorites
completly random...
07-06-20 02:20:14
DoubleAAco ::: Favorites
haha thats amazing
07-07-07 01:47:26
shmodge ::: Favorites
MTV has got to do a reality show on you! The Real World- Boh3m3 Edition.
07-07-30 19:48:50

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