Tuesday, August 7, 2007

SEN. REID: "We raised the fuel efficiency of automobiles"

Duration: 94 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-22 18:27:04
User: Politicstv
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[Excerpt from PoliticsTV's June 22, 2007 interview] PoliticsTV: Senator, the energy bill passed the Senate on Thursday, but without the proposed tax increases for oil companies. How do both the victory and the setback impact the push for greater energy efficiency? Sen. Harry Reid: The victory was significant, we're so happy we're able to pass that. For the first time in 25 years we raised the fuel efficiency of automobiles. The automobile industry has been fighting this, saying that if this raise in efficiency standards came to be, we would love jobs, it would close plants, they would lose market share. Well, that's all happened. Simply, they're not believable anymore, and that's why the Senate, by a very nice margin, vote to increase CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards on cars and trucks - they will both be 35 miles a gallon in the next few years - very important legislation. Now, on the other part of the legislation that the Republicans stopped, in the next ten years, oil companies will make a trillion dollars in profits. This bill to allow more fuel efficiency, to allow renewable fuels, would have cost 34 billion dollars. 34 billion out of a trillion seems the least that the oil companies could do to contribute to solar, to wind, to geothermal production of energy. But they were able to stop it because this Congress has once again responded to big oil and to the automobile manufacturers and not to the American people.

wannabefunnyman ::: Favorites
Global warming is just the latest trojan horse that liberals are using to promote socialism/communism. Its amazing how many people swallow this tripe whole. I can't believe people are willing to give up freedom over less than one degree of warming that they can't definitively prove has been caused by man. I really don't think they realize the utopian paradise they are asking for will really be hell on earth.
07-06-24 03:12:22
wannabefunnyman ::: Favorites
Algore is the bigeest hypocrite of them all. Carbon credits are horse*&^%. Try cutting your usage by half now if you're really that concerned that NYC will be under water in 25 years. It really irks me that most of people who demand this crap of me don't do it themselves. The environmental movement has shone a light on a height of hypocrisy never before known.
07-06-24 03:16:08
ariakokoschka ::: Favorites
Denying Climate Change(tm) is just the oldest trojan horse that conservatives are using to promote Nazism/Fascism. Your dumbass is too ignorant to realize a one degree increase in such short period of time is equivalent of your raping your children into hell.
07-06-24 14:19:45
wannabefunnyman ::: Favorites
I didn't say that Climate Change wasn't happening. I said that it was neither the disaster enviro-weenies tell us it is nor is it the sole creation of mankind. If there is one thing constant in nature it is change. It takes the arrogance of a liberal to think he can control that.
07-06-24 14:24:28
marxbitesall ::: Favorites
I know, lets do some worldwide mass exterminations, like the NWO cabal has planned. In case you needle-minded dolts don't get it, governments by themselves, represent the worlds heaviest polluters - the USGOVT is the largest consumer in all the history of mankind. Humanity doesn't need government, because humanity didn't create a century and a half of death and destruction, individuals with the power of govts did.
07-06-28 18:52:13
smlearn ::: Favorites
Will people please investigate reputable resources for information before they comment on Global Warming. Resources like the ipcc.
07-07-08 17:04:02
ReduceCO2 ::: Favorites
Thinks the overwhelming scientific is a world-wide consensus? Get real. Google links below for Global Warming studies. "BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER:The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change" "PRESTIGIOUS SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ISSUES WARNING ON HUMAN-INDUCED GLOBAL WARMING" There is no CREDIBLE DEBATE. It's time for change. Denial is ignorance of the facts. StopGlobalWarming(dot)org
07-07-08 17:12:10
How odd. US Teenagers all over the world were fighting and dying in military service against fascist government in Germany and Japan during World War II. Even in Europe, there were teenage boys and girls helping defeat the Germans through resistance and many died in the process. Yet teenage George Soros as a teenage young man went and hid within the bosom of his Nazi leaders throughout the war. And he doesnt have one shred of dismay or guilt over this? WHO died so he could live? Millions?
07-07-15 12:48:37
ariakokoschka ::: Favorites
No you dumbfuck! The change in the nature is linear. The amount of CO2 should not increase in such rapid pace and it has never happened before. And why the fuck do you have to be liberal to care about your planet? Fuck them and fuck you too. It's not about control, it's about freeing yourself.
07-08-03 10:31:52
retrop75 ::: Favorites
Whoopdee doo Harry. Congrats on taking it up the ass from Bush on wiretaps. Harry Reid is the biggest disappointment in Democratic party history. PUSSY.
07-08-04 13:19:55

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