Tuesday, August 7, 2007

YouTube Debate: Standardized Voting?

Duration: 103 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 20:46:04
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

On July 23, 2007, CNN and YouTube partnered to sponsor the first Democratic primary debate of the 2008 election cycle. Questions were asked by citizens from around the country by uploading personal videos to the YouTube website.

rwbazillion ::: Favorites
So you think republicans wake up every morning saying "what can I do to suppress blacks".
07-07-27 20:06:14
jonweiss57 ::: Favorites
In 2000, the Democrats in the Gore team, tried to suppress the votes of overseas military service members from Florida by claiming that their ballots didn't have proper post marks. Military APOs often do not postmark mail inbound from overseas, so in the mind of the dems it is acceptable to deny voting rights to people based on the technicality of a govenment system, when it benefits their candidates.
07-07-28 06:33:36
jonweiss57 ::: Favorites
Mellissa has the answer...."Starbucks" needs to be put in charge of Americas voting system.
07-07-28 06:35:52
DaXue ::: Favorites
I remember hearing a very interesting point about the voter machines: why is it that I always get the exact number of $20 bills that I ask for, but the voter machines made by the same company - Diebold - can screw up ballot counting?
07-07-29 10:57:03
mog1254 ::: Favorites
No, not so much, but I do believe they say, "What can I do today to suppress POOR people", and people completely overlook it and say "minority voters". It's all about Rich Man's War, the class war. Why target poor voters? They vote, the vast majority of them, Democratic. And Richardson if full of shit. He could have stopped what happened in NM in '04.
07-07-30 07:36:53
mog1254 ::: Favorites
gregpalast(dot)com or read the book Armed Madhouse and get a clue.
07-07-30 07:38:51
irreverentjim ::: Favorites
Might as well vote online, it's just as secure as diebold, and it seems to be working on Utube. Your vote should not be private. You should be proud to stand behind it. Congress, Senate, justices, and Pres. have a voting record viewable to the public. Yours should be printed and sent to you in duplicate. CopyA signed and returned, and always viewable to all on line by name and/or SS#. HBO's "hijacking democracy" warns us not to trust diebold or electronic voting. These safeguards are needed
07-07-30 12:31:18
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
HILLARY / CHINESE CONNECTIONS Google: "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY- how decades of clinton double-dealing compromised our national security" Google: "Downside Legacy at two degrees of Bill Clinton" ...click "High Treason" -click: "Time Lines" -then click: "People" - "Events"
07-08-01 03:56:08
kcgirlgeek ::: Favorites
Why is it some people have to go to every video and just spam the same "response" over and over and over word for word. Those comments are not even responsive to the video. They are just spam.
07-08-01 19:57:22
kcgirlgeek ::: Favorites
I would like to have heard from more of the candidates on this question.
07-08-01 19:57:49

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