Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 07:04:19
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Abduhi ::: Favorites
Iran is one of the top 20 strongest countries in the world, USA did not have a plan in Iraq, and Afganistan, their only plan was to take out weapons of mass destruction ( Wich there was not weapons ) And in Afganistan to take out Terrorists, Iran always has back up plans if they invade or go to war.
07-07-26 15:02:45
Abduhi ::: Favorites
That syrian chick is hot.
07-07-26 14:55:28
mchardy87 ::: Favorites I see it the whole US view on Iran and Syria is out of whack with the reality of the wars they are fighting. In afghanistan the Americans are fighting the Taliban; a sworn enemy of the state of Iran, in fact Iran was close to invading Afghanistan prior to 911. In Iraq, America is battling a mainly sunni insurgency while promoting a system of democracy which will always elect a shiite pro-Iranian prime minister...why are they not allies?
07-04-25 00:18:58
BANDIT576 ::: Favorites
No problem. Thanks.
07-04-23 10:41:08
truthlovver ::: Favorites
Please don't reply to me anymore, and I won't to you. Thank you very much.
07-04-23 04:10:57
BANDIT576 ::: Favorites
Hopefully, PELOSI and REID will go to IRAN next and take Al-Qaeda Rosie and her liberal friends with them. I am sure they will have equal success...because YOU CANNOT reason with TERRORISTS!
07-04-23 03:13:59
BANDIT576 ::: Favorites
Hamas Calls for New Terror Attacks on Israel/April 22, 2007/Associated Press. Good to see PELOSI's trip was SO effective... WOW, I am under whelmed. And yes, this was predictable, because she was trying to reason with TERRORISTS!
07-04-23 03:10:31
amynorw ::: Favorites
But wait, Bandit576. 9-11 wasn't done by Al-Qaeda. Rosie said (and she would never lie!) Bush and his crew planned and executed it. It's great our president is an evil genius AND an idiot! And don't be afriad of Al-Qaeda, they're parents too!
07-04-17 17:00:10
truthlovver ::: Favorites
we went to war in Iraq to reduce the threat from Iran?! don't you realize that iranian influence in iraq has INCREASED because of this stupid war in iraq, and that because of this stupid war the american will to stand real tough on what was all along a real threat, iran, has DECREASED. Also, do you realize that the iraq war has made al-Qaeda more popular than ever. Lastly, piece of shit, a government opposed to the US may well rise in iraq (like Hamas in PA). I REAL MAN FACES THE FACTS.
07-04-12 03:32:01
armourup ::: Favorites
You can Judge a man by his friends and his enemies. I'm sure Hitler LIKED Neville Chamberlain. I am also sure Hitler DIDN'T LIKE Winston Churchill. I can find Iraq on a map can you tell me which country lies East of Iraq WITHOUT a map? How about West of Afganistan WITHOUT a map? If YOU CAN, then you know why we went into Iraq.
07-04-12 00:34:39

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