Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 07:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-24 09:54:58
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APRIL 23, 2007 C-SPAN

danilabignymphax ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-20 22:01:05
NewfieBullett ::: Favorites
Don't get me wrong, I'm completely against the war and was always against it, but I'm also against the shrub's arrogance in waging it
07-04-25 05:45:20
oldhacks ::: Favorites
Theres nothing wrong with drinking. Its when assholes like him drink that crap happens.
07-04-25 04:06:32
oldhacks ::: Favorites
Even with a Million troops it wouldnt have worked. Saddam held that country together.This was about Oil,(trillions) building bases,(100s of billions) and weapons (100s of billions) with never putting the Iraqi population in the equation.
07-04-25 04:05:39
laddor1975 ::: Favorites
Did anyone else notice the caption read 'Sen. Harry Reid - Majority Reid'? hehe
07-04-25 00:33:40
benbur69 ::: Favorites
Oh, btw, thanks for posting CSPANJUNKIEdotORG. Please keep it up!
07-04-24 18:55:01
parkingst0nes ::: Favorites
Somebody needs to hand the president a cookie and send him off to a playground. Soldiers need to start ignoring orders. They are not following the orders of any kind of valid "Commander and Chief".
07-04-24 17:22:47
Stealth3 ::: Favorites
Politicians shouldnt tell Generals how to do their job? Why did Bush tell the generals how to do their job when they said more troops are needed for the initial invasion?
07-04-24 17:15:49
durcetcurval ::: Favorites
George W. Bush is the very definition of the dry drunk. Not intoxicated but as twisted, delusional, stubborn and out of touch with reality as if he was drinking 5 liters of Rum a day...
07-04-24 15:29:15
IncredibleGoliath ::: Favorites
It'll no longer be possible for Bush to point to the fact that Democrats voted permission for him to go to war. The Democrats will be able to rush funding so the troop don't go short (they have money until July), but Bush will OWN the Iraq war, and won't be able to wriggle out of it any more. It'll be very damaging for Bush in the long run.
07-04-24 15:15:09

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