Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 07:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 09:45:32
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JULY 05, 2007 MSNBC

4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
Al Gore want a piece of work. Global warming is nothing more than a means of robbing people of their liberty through nonsense regulation and mandates. ALL human activity is less than 4% of the total CO2 emissions on this planet. Nothing have done or will do impacts global climate change.
07-07-23 14:46:43
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
07-07-23 14:44:11
carmexworks ::: Favorites
laddor1975 i love your comment!!
07-07-22 20:42:20
carmexworks ::: Favorites
laddor1975 there's a video here on YouTube that presents some science of what's really causing the warming, and it's not CO2. Just copy and paste this title into the YouTube search: Global Warming Sun Strong Link
07-07-22 20:41:58
Usedtogo ::: Favorites
You stupid cunt!
07-07-21 15:52:05
TranCendenZ ::: Favorites
skullxxxcrossbone, Al Gore can't even manage his family--so how can he possibly manage a country. Get real!
07-07-16 19:40:25
skullxxxcrossbone ::: Favorites
This country needs major change. We need a Democratic President to avoid the veto from a party biased Republican. None of the DEmocratic candidates , so far, can win the presidency. WE need Al Gore or someone as big. He won the last time!
07-07-07 03:49:12
laddor1975 ::: Favorites
Yes that's brilliant Al! A series of concerts to solve global warming! just like we did to solve the African hunger crisis in the 80s! And the global poverty crisis a couple of years ago! There's no global crisis that can't be solved by musicians via satelite from Berlin! Coldplay will save us!!!
07-07-06 03:06:00
1mcsource ::: Favorites
corporate kickbacks
07-07-06 01:26:12
1mcsource ::: Favorites
the Sun = an inconvenient truth
07-07-06 01:25:07

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